good sleep
By Janine Acero
How sleep habits affect weight goals: Survey reveals the ideal sleep schedule for shedding pounds
Millions of adults are missing out on sleep, which leads to unhealthy lifestyle habits – such as excessive eating – in turn leading to a plethora of adverse health effects. A new survey reveals that a good night’s sleep, partnered with good eating habits, are the keys to successfully shedding those unwanted pounds and avoiding […]
By Bridgette Wilcox
7 Supplements to help you get a better nights sleep and wake up refreshed
Not getting enough sleep can be frustrating for anyone — not to mention that it can be detrimental to your heath in so many ways. Poor or insufficient sleep can lead to weight gain, depression, and premature aging, among other things. Thankfully, there are many things you can do to get the sleep you need, […]
By Jessica Dolores
Children and pre-teens who lack sleep are 58% more likely to become obese as adults
If you don’t want your child to grow up into an obese adult with a lot of health problems, make him get enough sleep. New research from the University of Warwick revealed that children and pre-teens who get less sleep less than others their age gain more weight as adults, and are more likely to become […]
By Jessica Dolores
Breaking up sleep into two parts, like they did before the Industrial Age, may cure insomnia
The invention of electricity has brought a lot of benefits, like powering appliances that make housework faster and easier for us. But it also created a group of people who find it hard to sleep at night. These insomniacs toss and turn in bed. They wake up at around two or three in the morning, […]
By Jhoanna Robinson
Temperature and light from your environment tells your body when to sleep, finds research on fruit flies
A new study that was conducted in the University of Michigan and which was published in the journal Nature showed that fruit flies may teach us a thing or two about our own sleep patterns. The researchers, via observing fruit flies, were able to illustrate how circadian clock neurons engage in thermoreceptor usage to constantly […]
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