By Zoey Sky
Easy strategies to boost your dopamine levels naturally
Dopamine, a major neurotransmitter, is linked to focus, motivation, and productivity. However, factors such as diet and lifestyle can deplete your dopamine levels. If you feel like you’re not living your life to its fullest, you may be suffering from low dopamine levels. Thankfully, there are natural ways to increase dopamine. What is dopamine and why […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Dopamine influences your decisions; scientists discover that how long we have to wait for what we want affects its value
Scientists at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) are explaining the allure of waiting for your lover’s caress — or at least why and how we judge something to be “worth” our waiting. Assistant professor of biology at UTSA Matthew Wanat believes that dopamine, the neurotransmitter often associated with mood regulation, plays a […]
By Zoey Sky
How to start your pain-free digital detox
Are you always checking your phone out of habit instead of necessity? If your answer is “yes,” it may be time for a digital detox. According to psychologists in the U.K., checking your phone at least a dozen of times a day can be a sign of unconscious behavior that’s “extremely repetitive.” Can people get […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Baby Boomers are partying too much: Heavy drinking is causing serious illness across the age group
Baby boomers seem to be spending their nights drinking, data from Public Health England suggest. This conclusion, while initially funny at first glance, is highlighting a very serious and growing problem facing adults today who are older than 55 years old. Official figures have just concluded that elderly people now comprise a large portion of […]
By Zoey Sky
Doctors, lawyers, and teachers more likely to drink alcohol: Study
What do a doctor, a lawyer, and a teacher have in common? Aside from sounding like the start of a bar joke, people with these three working professional roles are “more likely to drink alcohol regularly than manual workers.” According to a study, at least four out of five of people in the U.K. who work […]
By Ralph Flores
Why does drinking alcohol or sugary drinks make us thirsty?
Not all drinks were made to quench a person’s thirst: Far from it, alcoholic beverages and those that contain sugar make us even thirstier, and scientists may have found the reason why. In a study published in Cell Metabolism, research indicated the liver hormone FGF21, or fibroblast growth factor 21, to be responsible for the brain’s actions to increase […]
By Michelle Simmons
Try a temporary social media detox! Quitting Facebook reduces stress
Here’s another reason to get off of Facebook: A temporary social media detox can be good for your health. Deleting your Facebook app can reduce your stress, according to a study by researchers from the University of Queensland. In the study, the research team looked at the effects of a short-term break from Facebook on a […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Education and intervention: New training lab uses virtual reality to dissuade teens from smoking
Virtual reality has a wide variety of uses, ranging from augmenting entertainment experiences to helping pilots train for actual flight. Now, research scientists from the Yale Center for Health & Learning Games are working towards newer, more noble applications for this technology. One of these is smokeSCREEN VR, the virtual reality adaptation of PlayForward: smokeSCREEN, […]
By Rita Winters
Lifestyle diseases are now complicating pregnancies, putting mothers and newborns at higher risk of complications
Contrary to popular belief, the responsibilities of motherhood begin before, not after, conception. A woman must be in good health prior to conceiving in order to assure her and the baby’s health. Preexisting conditions, sedentary lifestyles, and unhealthy food negatively affect babies prenatally. A Michigan Medicine study reports that pregnant women, particularly poor women and […]
By Zoey Sky
The mind-body connection: How trauma in one can manifest in the other
When emotional trauma remains unresolved, it can cause deep-seated mental concerns. According to Dr. Gabor Maté, an expert on addiction, people often struggle with “wounds in the past,” especially during their childhood years. These emotional wounds usually continue to negatively affect them throughout their lives. Although this can be hard to accurately determine through medical […]
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