News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
The 30-year DISEASE and DISORDER chart that will blow your mind
If you don’t believe that conventional food and allopathic medicine in the USA are the main causes of disease and disorder, then ask yourself, what changed over the past 30-plus years? Preventable diseases and disorders have skyrocketed, so you can’t blame genetics, like most medical doctors always do. Let’s start this off with attention deficit […]
By S.D. Wells
TYPE 3 DIABETES EPIDEMIC: Most nations call dementia “Type 3 Diabetes” as science reveals Alzheimer’s gets triggered by insulin resistance in the brain
In America, most medical doctors make no attempt to cure diseases and disorders, but rather prescribe toxic pharmaceutical medications that only “manage” the symptoms of much deeper-rooted health issues that are not only curable, but preventable too. For example, it’s difficult to find a medical doctor who will blame Type 2 Diabetes on bad diet, […]
By S.D. Wells
PROGRAMMED DEATH: Science proves billions of mRNA VACCINE NANOPARTICLES might be used to control appetite and emotions of entire vaxxed populations
It sounds like something out of a science fiction movie, where aliens inject humans with microscopic Martian particles that take over the human mind and body, all controlled remotely on “smart devices” by the evil beings from outer space. Now that’s a scary movie, and it’s a good thing it’s not really happening here on […]
By S.D. Wells
Inflation and FAKE NEWS drive inflammation: Consumers are buying cheaper food due to inflation and stressing out over fake news, driving health ills to the brink
Just call us the inflammation nation, because that’s what we are here in America, where the majority of consumers take in toxins from every directions, including adulterated food, corrupt medicine, disease-inducing vaccines and fake news. All of these are able to drive and exacerbate inflammation, psychological stress, negative bias and depressive disorders. Reciprocal relationships between […]
By S.D. Wells
Entire antidepressant drug industry is a HOAX; “chemical imbalance” of the brain was completely fabricated as the cause for “clinical depression”
Does fear of COVID have you stressed and anxious? You must have a “chemical imbalance” in your brain. Did the pandemic lockdowns, masking and social distancing ruin your life and make you depressed? Big Pharma has some specially-made pills for that chronic condition. Did you recently get fired, separated, divorced, in an automobile wreck or […]
By S.D. Wells
Is Mucuna the Ultimate NATURAL CURE for Depression and Dementia?
One in every 10 Americans say they suffer from depression, at least occasionally. The World Health Organization predicts depression will be the second leading cause of disability and premature death starting next year. With so many Americans eating GMOs daily, it’s no wonder. These pesticide-laden foods affect cognition, neural impulses, hormones, and massive mood swings. […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 5 reasons “ADD” and “ADHD” are misdiagnosed and often NOT actually disorders at all
You’ve heard it before and you’ve probably experienced it yourself – you just can’t seem to pay attention long enough in some class to absorb the information, or you’ve already learned what is necessary and you’re bored out of your mind. Other classmates keep asking too many questions and the teacher keeps repeating the same […]
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